How to Turn Roadblocks Into Runways to Success
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Your Adversity is Your Advantage!

VOLAR is the Spanish word for "flying; to soar."
It's also Mitch's step-by-step formula for overcoming roadblocks to your goals, creating runways and taking flight toward the things you dream of for yourself, your family or your teams.
Mitch Savoie Hill, CPC, shares some hilarious, and some heartbreaking but inspiring personal stories gleaned from over twenty-five years of experience in diverse leadership and coaching positions.
This book also offers immediately applicable exercises that will equip you with the necessary tools to take flight toward your ultimate vision, VOLAR!
Customer Testimonials

Achieve Your Dreams

"VOLAR is the biggest, simplest idea that has ever hit the scene for effectively overcoming adversity and roadblocks in any aspect of your life. Mitch Savoie Hill's formula will help you 'soar' and achieve your goal no matter how big or small."
Danielle Duran
Director Member Services, Los Angeles Chargers
Customer Testimonials

Winning Teams

"As an avid reader of leadership books, I can confidently share that people of all ages, experience and backgrounds will benefit from the personal insights and advice that Mitch shared throughout 'VOLAR.' This is an essential read if you are looking to better yourself personally and professionally."
Travis Pelleymounter
VP Ticket Sales & Service, Vinik Sports Group (Tampa Bay Lightning)

Start Soaring!

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Your Adversity is Your Advantage! Learn how to finally:
Make that BIG transition
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Help your organization or team work in synergy to achieve inspired goals
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